Mujer Inquietante |
Oil / Sold |

Pablo y la "gayena" azul |
La Mirada Audaz |
Oil on canvas |
Springtime |
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 in. |
The paintings shown in this page belong to different private collections, except La Mirada Audáz.
Click on the images to see them bigger.

Selfportrait -a la Antique- |
Oil on cardboard (U$D 8.000) |
The painter sketched by his father, 1951 |
Mi retrato por mi padre, 1951 |
Selfportrait (1980) |
Autorretrato (1980) |
Composition With Raphael's Character |
Composición con personaje de Rafael |
Sobre Beethoven. La Primavera |
Over Beethoven, 1st. version / Sold |
Ximena |
Oil on canvas, 16 x 12 in. |